When she woke up I put her right in front of the tree...thinking I would get a cute grumpy face...

but she was all smiles!

There's my little grump!

Hanging out at Grandpa Larry's!

A pedometer!

I think that might be mommy's?? Okay, Okay you can keep it!!

Herbie will kiss you for it!!

You guys look a little pooped! This is only our first stop!

The beaming uncle!

Her first stocking of the day!!

Finally back at home!! I love her little Christmas outfit, it says "fa la la la"!

It's crazy legs Witt!

Or crazy leg Witts!

We just told her we got her a car for Christmas!! I felt like Oprah!

She was so excited!!

For me??

And all the taxes are paid up! We're even better than Oprah!!

Can I get in?!


Check your blind spot!

I know Mom. Geez!

There's more presents?! Get me out of here!

Daddy INSISTS we open stockings first...even though it's not natural! haha!

3rd stocking of the day!

But it had her favorite toy in it!! A remote that looks almost like Daddy's!

Let's open some presents!

She loves things that are little!

Tiny strips of paper :)

New toys! Where are we going to put them all!
What a whirlwind of a day! Kev and I got up at 6am to shower and get dressed and then woke up little C to get her dressed and ready to go for our first stop! Grandpa Larry's house! Charlotte had so much fun playing with (getting licked by) Herbie! That is when her uncle put her down for a smidge :) My dad went all out and spoiled us rotten with tons of gifts and made a wonderful breakfast. He totally outdid himself!
Second stop was Beth and Ken's house and they also spoiled everyone rotten! There were so many gifts for everyone and it was such a great morning. We all gave Ken and Beth the photo book from the photo shoot we did earlier in the month and I think they really liked it! We didn't take many pictures, but Kev took lots of video that I can't wait to go through. I think there's some comedy gold in there :)
Third stop was my Mom's house. She made a great big dinner, turkey, tamales the whole nine yards! She and Sal were working their buns off to get everything ready! Charlotte was a trooper and wasn't too cranky! My mom gave her a soft little bear and she went koo koo for it! For like a half hour she was holding it and never stopped saying "blah blah blah" it was hilarious! She sure had a lot to tell that bear!
Last stop...Home sweet home! We were so tired but we made some hot cider got in our PJ's and opened our presents to each other. Charlotte was super excited to see the little car we bought her and I was super excited opening my gifts too...no surprise there! We tried to stay up a little late and have some family time, but we were all too tired and hit the hay!
It was a great Christmas, but we might need to rethink so many stops for next year. I really want to let Charlotte open gifts at home Christmas morning and have a nice relaxing day myself. We'll see what next year brings!!
Merry Christmas everyone!