Saturday, April 25, 2009

Two Weeks Old!!

Charlotte's First Glamour Shot!

Grandma and Grandpa doing what they do best...snuggling with the grandbaby!

Charlotte looking super cute in the outfit Grandpa Ken bought her in San Francisco :)

I just love her sweet little face!  

We're starting to finally get in a groove!  Baby Charlotte is sleeping quite a bit at night, up to 5 hours at time, it's been wonderful!  I'm still pretty tired and have lots of how do you know you're baby is getting enough milk??  There's no way to figure it out when you're breastfeeding!!  Too aggravating!


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Our First Week Home

Thanks Uncle Daniel for my favorite swing!!  I love it!!

 Not loving my first bath...

My First Doctor's more Jaundice!!

Our first week home has flown by so fast.  It's been so great to have Kevin home with us, he's such a great help!  I don't think I've changed more than 1 or 2 diapers so far!  He's great with Charlotte too...she's already a Daddy's Girl!  

We've had lots of friends and family over all week and they've been bringing lots of awesome food!  Yum!  

My brother was in town for the first few days and sadly on his last day home he got a terrible cold and couldn't even hug his sweet niece good-bye :(  It was super sad!  I held Charlotte up at the window to wave good-bye!  But he'll be back in June and we can't wait!

Monday, April 13, 2009

We're Home!!

Thanks Lisa and Melvin for putting up my wonderful sign...I totally cried when I saw it!!

Keith, Carmen and Lucas!  What an adorable family!

Proud Uncle Daniel!  AKA - The Baby Whisperer
We made it home, who knew there were so many bumps on Lakewood streets!

We loved our room and the nurses too!  But we're ready to go home!!

It was so great to get out of the hospital today!  We didn't get home until almost 6pm, but we made it out!  We were packed up and ready to go by noon, but the doctor didn't release me until much later :(  We had Charlotte in her going home outfit that her daddy bought her (our very first baby gift!) but she decided to pee right on it so that we had to put her in a back up outfit!  I was so sad!  

My brother was in town and hung out with us all night, it was so great to have him here!  He's so great with Charlotte; a wonderful Uncle right out of the chute!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Charlotte's First Easter!!

Thanks Grandma Beth for the Easter bunny!

Grammy Robin

Oh Sarah, you are such a pro!

Aaron's held a baby or two!

The Greatest Aunt and Uncle!!
Those Witts sure love to hold babies!

Proud Grandpa Larry!

Sarah loves her niece!

Aunt are GOING to change a diaper!!

Charlotte has been the sweetest baby of all time so far!  She slept in the nursery all night and today she's celebrating her first Easter with her Dad and me.  We've had lots of visiters, it's so fun to show off such a wonderful baby!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Welcome Charlotte Rose!!

She looks like a little doll :)

The proud Daddy in the Daddy hat!!

Our Family is finally complete :)

She's here!  She's finally here!  She's perfect in everyway!!

The Night I Popped!

We were supposed to induce baby Charlotte on April in preparation I went and got a pedicure and manicure with one of my favorites gals, Melissa :)  on Friday.  I had SO much to do before the baby; I thought that I would work my buns off on Friday and then relax all day on Saturday.  But on Friday after I got home I felt really funny, more tired than before and so sore! So, you guessed it I napped instead of working through the pain!  When Kevin got home from work I kept telling him I felt funny but he didn't listen...we ended up walking to the grocery store that night to buy batteries for all of Charlotte's new toys.  I went to sleep around midnight because we stayed up all night talking and putting together all sorts of fun bouncers and playards!

I woke up at 2am soaked!  My water had broke and we were off to the hospital to meet our baby!  (After I took my shower, blow dried my hair, put my makeup on and did other odds and ins!)