Charlotte and I went to visit Kevin at work today! It was the first time he got to show off his little bundle! Little C was all smiles for Mario, but pretty somber for the rest of her visit! She had a good hard sleep on the way to Rancho Palos Verdes :)
Monday, August 31, 2009
Visiting Daddy at Work!
Charlotte and I went to visit Kevin at work today! It was the first time he got to show off his little bundle! Little C was all smiles for Mario, but pretty somber for the rest of her visit! She had a good hard sleep on the way to Rancho Palos Verdes :)
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Happy 1st Birthday Aidan!

Chad, Aidan and Valerie! The Dahlk's sure are good looking!
The Cupcakes and Cake I made for Aidan!
Kevin and Charlotte staying far away from the sun!

Go get it kid!

Yay! Good job!
Valerie and her little man!
Pretty pooped after a fun, hot party!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Feeling MUCH better!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Feeling Better!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
My Sick Baby!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
BBQ with Mom :)
My Mom, Charlotte, Me and Aunt Karen
Charlotte in her Bikini Debut!!
Katie loving the water, Charlotte...not so much!
All she wanted to do was suck her toes, gross!!
Karen and Baby C!
Karen and Corey
Grammy and Charlotte!
Grammy, Charlotte and Poppy Sal
But there was lots of sun, wonderful food (as always) and lots of good company! Thanks for the invite!!
Missing Melissa!
Melissa and I at her going away party!

6 years ago! What a gorgeous Bridesmaid!
Melissa and Little C! Besties!
One of my good friends from high school is up and moving to New York! Melissa was a great friend in high school, totally awesome in my wedding and now that we reconnected this year, she's moving across the country! I have so many memories of Melissa, her cool old cars, disneyland passes, and drill team! She's the only friend I still talk to from high school (the only one worth staying in touch with!!). My parents always thought she was the classiest of all my friends, for sure!! Melissa always, always, always looks gorgeous; she's such a positive person and cheers me up no matter what. And...she laughs at all my jokes, what more could a girl ask for in a friend!
At her going away party Melissa was holding little C and she fell asleep in her arms! She must have the magic touch! Party, was fabulous! All of Melissa's friends were there to say goodbye and wish her lots of luck! So much excitement awaits in New York!
Melissa, I'll miss you and wish you nothing but good luck and lots of happiness :)
All Dressed Up For a Big Day!!
Friday, August 21, 2009
First Run with Daddy!
Let's go Daddy! Only 2 more weeks until your marathon!
Not loving it, at first!
She's looks sooo uncomfortable!
All bundled up! It was a night run and I was a little worried about it being too cold!
Thanks Kevin for the help, I got the floors swept and two dozen cupcakes frosted! Yay! For taking Charlotte running with you!
P.S. Take note of Kevin's Lawn Care Specialist shirt...also notice our completely dead grass! I think I need to hire a new specialist!!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
My Sister the Homeowner!!
Sally you rock!!
Roll over already!
Good Girl!!
Kevin helping out a little!!
Aunt Sarah helping ME out!!
A homeowner's work is never done :)
What a great Dad! He took off the week to help out Sally!
While we were there Charlotte did two things I've never seen before!! She rolled over all the way on her belly on her right and left side...she can't get from her belly to her back yet, but she's trying! And, she was able to transfer a toy from her right hand to her left hand...yay!
But enough of Charlotte! Sally's place has lots of room for ALL of her shoes (which is no easy task!), an awesome patio, and lots of room for many wild parties :) Sally we are so proud of you and all that you've accomplished! We love, love, love you!!
Monday, August 17, 2009
I agree with Charlotte!
Charlotte is LOVING her exersaucer more and more everyday! I love having her in the kitchen while I'm baking, frosting or just making dinner! She can barely touch the ground, but she can spin around in it! It's adorable when she sees her daddy she gets sooo excited that she starts to stand up and then falls back in her chair grinning ear to ear! Oh, she LOVES her daddy!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Visiting with Julie and Dan!
Yay! Cousins!!
Dan and Julie...thanks for the feast!
Julie and lil C! We forgot to take pictures early with Charlotte in her cute little polka dot dress! But a sleeping baby will do too!
My cousin Julie came down from up north, we haven't seen each other in years!! Way too long! We did lots of catching up, it was like no time had passed. She has such a good sense of humor and her boyfriend was hilarious too! He cooked us a dinner I will never forget! Goat cheese stuffed chicken breasts, grilled vegetables and risotto. Oh Dan, my taste buds are still tingling!! And he left us some of his awesome homegrown sweet sauce, I can't wait to use it again!
What a great visit! I wish we lived closer...but hopefully soon we can meet up in the middle and do something fun! Wine tasting? I say yes, yes, yes!
Thanks Julie and Dan for a wonderful evening, you were such great company :)
Friday, August 14, 2009
New Toys! Thanks Grandma Beth and Aunt Sarah!
Now that Charlotte's 4 months old, there seem to be so many new toys she can play with! I put her in the exersaucer today and she was so draw to the little sun. She was just staring at if for almost 5 minutes!! Her little feets can just barely touch the bottom but she can turn herself around no problem...but gets overwhelmed pretty quickly! But 15 minutes in there equals a bed being made, the dishwasher being unloaded and a quick sweep in the kitchen...I'll take it!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
What a Good Eater!! you can't feed yourself yet!
Let Daddy do it!!
Such a good eater!!
So, Charlotte's catching on quite easily! She loves rice cereal now, no more fussiness between 5-9pm. Oh it's been great! I've pretty much stopped breast feeding and am now a bottle feeding momma. I was really sad to give it up (at first), but I just didn't have enough milk for her and she's so much happier with a bottle. She doesn't have to struggle with me anymore and I feel like we are getting along just a smidge better!
P.S. She LOVES her spoon and wants to feed herself! Oh Charlotte, you are so independent!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Rolling Over!
You're doing great!!
Almost there...
What now??
She's a rolling machine! It's so funny that she rolls onto her tummy, because she's not crazy about tummy time at all! I love looking at her while she's figuring it out; I feel like I can see her mind expanding and learning right before me! It's so great having the opportunity to share these little moments with her :)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Rice Cereal!
Daniel's here!
Daniel came into town today, just for a few days...he's on his way to P-Town after his visit here! We swung by and picked him up after Charlotte's doctor's appointment and then headed down to 2nd street! We stopped by Barry's Beach Shack and had some HUGE sandwiches! Charlotte started getting restless so I picked her up and she found a small container of BBQ sauce in about 2 seconds and had it all over herself, her stroller and me! Oh, the thought of things to come!
We had lots of great time visiting and Daniel finally got a picture of him and Charlotte in her sweet little Chinese outfit! Oh how I wish she would never outgrow it!!
A visit to the Doctor!
All dressed up for a visit with Dr. Hsu!
Look at you baby! 13.6 lbs!! Such a big girl :)
So serious! Man I love that face :)
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