We had so much fun!!
Kevin, I thought you would have picked to be the farmer!! Haha!
She was such a trooper :) It was way crowded and noisy!
They had a kid's building that was Under the Sea themed...it was way cute :)
I loved looking at all the books and projects that the kids had sent in...I can't wait to see what Charlotte comes up with when she's older!
This is one of my most favorite pictures ever!! The look on her face is priceless!
They just adore each other!
Hanging out and waiting in line to buy my broom!
A little mommy daughter time! The best times ever!
All Kevin wanted was a tri tip sandwich...mission accomplished!
One of my favorite things to do is go to the fair. I loved going with my parents when I was younger. My mom would enter all sorts of crafty things in and she would win 9 times out of 10. It was always fun to hunt down her things among the other quilts and projects.
One of Kev and I's first dates was to the Orange County Fair, and he won me this octopus that I just adored! Almost as much as I adored him :)
Kev and I went to the fair last year while I was pregnant and we walked around, holding hands talking about how fun it would be to take our little girl to the fair this year. Charlotte's still so small, so she probably didn't have the most fun ever! But it was great to see her looking around and taking in the sites. I hope to take her every year and relish in the thought of all the awful rides, cow chip bingo, and pig races that we'll share together as a family.
Oh, and NEVER go to the fair on the very last day! It was crazy busy...yikes!
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