Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Night I Popped!

We were supposed to induce baby Charlotte on April in preparation I went and got a pedicure and manicure with one of my favorites gals, Melissa :)  on Friday.  I had SO much to do before the baby; I thought that I would work my buns off on Friday and then relax all day on Saturday.  But on Friday after I got home I felt really funny, more tired than before and so sore! So, you guessed it I napped instead of working through the pain!  When Kevin got home from work I kept telling him I felt funny but he didn't listen...we ended up walking to the grocery store that night to buy batteries for all of Charlotte's new toys.  I went to sleep around midnight because we stayed up all night talking and putting together all sorts of fun bouncers and playards!

I woke up at 2am soaked!  My water had broke and we were off to the hospital to meet our baby!  (After I took my shower, blow dried my hair, put my makeup on and did other odds and ins!)

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